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Degustation Day at the International School of the Peninsula
The first Taste Week lunch happened on Tuesday October 14th 2003. All the Cohn campus students participated in the events and ate a delicious meal prepared by chef Philippe Bressolier and several dedicated parents. The feature ingredient was ground meat: the students tasted Chinese Siu Mai Iranian Shâmi Spaghetti bolognese Ground meat with mashed potatoes [...]
The first Taste Week lunch happened on Tuesday October 14th 2003. All the Cohn campus students participated in the events and ate a delicious meal prepared by chef Philippe Bressolier and several dedicated parents. The feature ingredient was ground meat. The students tasted:
Chinese Siu Mai
Iranian Shâmi
Spaghetti bolognese
Ground meat with mashed potatoes
The dessert was : chocolate mousse. Students were introduced to the variety of taste and the origins of the ingredients, they also enjoyed looking at a beautiful display of an Hansel & Gretel’s house with a Witch, all made with food, even the ground and the curtains. Our deep thank you to all the parents and chefs that have been working very hard since last Friday to make this event possible.